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External English-General Course

Course Blocked

My status says Blocked and the “Start Course” button is grayed out. What does that mean?

In general, this means there are one or more steps to complete before starting the course. Click the blue “Course Dashboard” button, and follow the setup instructions. More information is included below on some steps you may encounter. Once you have completed the required setup, the “Start Course” button will turn to green and you can begin the course.

User Verification Setup: To set up user verification, click the “Setup Security Questions” button. You will be prompted to answer personal identity verification questions that will appear periodically throughout the course. Give truthful answers for each question, and write down your answers separately if necessary. This is very important because if you give an incorrect answer, you may be locked out and have to re-register for the course. When finished, click the green “Continue to Course” button.

Required User Information: This section asks for additional information that is required for regulatory purposes. For this section, you may need to have your driver’s license or other relevant materials handy.

Attestation of Course Eligibility: This section requires you to read and agree to an agreement. After following the on-screen instructions, click on the blue “Submit Attestations” button and continue to the green “Course Dashboard” button. Only click Submit Attestations once.

Voice Biometrics Training: This tool uses your voice to verify your identity. After providing three samples, your voice will be recorded. Within the course, you will be prompted to speak into your device’s microphone at random intervals. This is very important because if you fail a voice biometrics sample while taking the course, you may have to re-register for the course.

Before beginning, be sure you can locate your device’s microphone and that it is enabled. Setting up your microphone will vary depending on what type of device you are using. For Windows, click here: . For Mac, click here: . For iPhone, click here:,listed%2C%20contact%20the%20app%20developer . For Android, click here:

Microphone settings also need to be enabled in your browser. For Chrome, click here: . For Safari, click here: . For Edge, click here:

After making sure your microphone is enabled:

  1. Click the green “Start Recording” button.

  2. Say the phrase, “My voice is stronger than passwords.”

  3. Click the red “Stop Recording” button.

  4. Click the blue “Submit” button.

  5. You will complete this task a total of three times.

If you do not have a microphone, there is a link within the voice biometrics training setup that will enable you to use your smart device instead.

I am not able to move to the next module. What should I do?

1. Does the section you are in have a time requirement? If your course is timed, the timer must run down to 00:00:00 before you can click the ”Continue” button to advance. The timer appears at the top of the screen.

2. Have you completed all interactions? In some courses, you must complete all interactions before moving on. An interaction may include clicking on arrows in a content section or answering questions in the module. Once you have viewed all of the course content, you can proceed.

3. Are you trying to complete the modules out of order? In most courses, you must take the modules in order. For example, you won’t have access to Module 2 until you have completed Module 1.

4. Refresh the webpage. If the course does not automatically advance you to the next page once you've satisfied timing or other requirements, refresh the webpage and attempt to resume the course.

5. Switch to another browser. For example, try switching from Safari to Google Chrome.

6. Clear your cache. When browsing online, web browsers store, or cache, website data like images and scripts to help improve your experience. Clearing your web browser’s cache removes these stored assets, and this may help resolve display or navigation issues. To clear your cache in Google Chrome, click here. For other browsers, check their Help for instructions.

If you are still having issues after troubleshooting, contact Customer Care via the blue “Live Chat” button.

Locked Out or Cannot Move Forward

My course is not loading or moving forward. What should I do first?

If you become locked out of the course, follow the on-screen instructions for how to proceed. Some courses have regulations that require you to re-register for the course.

To avoid missing any checkpoints, be sure to log out of the course when you are not actively participating. If an authentication request pops up, be sure to complete it before navigating away.

Course Completion

What are my next steps after taking the course?

Please refer to your completion screen at the end of the course to find out next steps.

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